Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cucumber and Tomato Salad

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend!  I definitely did.  The weather was fantastic and I was able to enjoy every minute of it.  I spent time around town, drinking and eating too much.  Visited our friend’s pool for a little relaxation, and was even able to make it to the beach for a day.  Why are margaritas so delicious?  I do not enjoy the super sweet ones, but the margaritas made with tequila and lime juice, yum yum!

Memorial Day is the official start of the summer; not only in the south, but all over the place (I do not care what the calendar says!).  My parents in the North can finally start using their pool and the sunny days keep getting longer and longer.  I love when it stays light outside until 9 pm.  In addition to the sun staying out longer, it also comes out earlier, which means I can start my runs a little bit earlier and get a few more miles in, before rushing off to work. 

I have had to add to my morning to-do list to water the garden.  It doesn’t take long, and every day it seems as though my plants are growing a little bit more.  I made guacamole over the weekend, and it was nice being able to go out to the garden and just cut a bit of fresh cilantro to add.  I picked my very first cucumber and I was overjoyed.  It was big!  I also know there is going to be a lot of tomatoes to eat this summer.  A fresh salad that is great to bring to any picnic is a cucumber and tomato salad.  It is quick and easy to prepare, but very delicious!  Plus the cucumbers, tomatoes, and basil are all from my garden. J

Cucumbers, Peppers, and Tomatoes in the garden

Cucumber and Tomato Salad

2 cucumbers
2 tomatoes
Fresh basil, a couple of leaves
1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
Salt, Pepper to taste

  1. Dice cucumbers and tomatoes.
  2. Tear basil into small pieces.
  3. Throw cucumbers, tomatoes, and basil into a bowl. 
  4. Drizzle EVOO and balsamic vinegar over everything. 
  5. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Enjoy!

~ Savannah FitNut aka Morgan McNeal

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